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Filtering by Category: Press

Healthy Eating

miro chun

Food & Wine's March 2016 issue features an article called How To Not, a guide to healthy eating. Miro Made This is thrilled to have our plates coupled with two recipes demonstrating how to use a small amount of meat for flavoring, and focus on vegetables as the mainstay of the meal.

A Canvas for an Insta-famous Dessert

miro chun

Food & Wine's September issue features a profile on chef Enrique Olvera's Mexico City inspirations. A Miro Made This plate provided the perfect setting for his visually arresting Cornhusk Meringues with Corn Mousse. Additional MMT tableware is featured in The Gastronaut Files.



Summer Reading & Eating

miro chun

It's been 110 degrees here in the Phoenix desert, but the coolest thing to happen this summer has been the arrival of the August issue of Food & Wine magazine—on stands now! Miro Made This is thrilled to have our work featured alongside a shortlist of other American artisans producing hand-crafted goods for the table.